Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This past year, I made a resolution to read through the Bible in a year. I completed that resolution. So this year, I made a resolution to read through the Bible chronologically in a year. I have also been jotting down thoughts as I go. I will post these here. I am using the New Living Translation for my reading.

First, Genesis 1:2: "The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters." So, when God initially created heaven and earth, water covered the whole earth, like after the flood.

Genesis 1:9-13: Now on the third day, God made "land" and "seas". Then vegetation. But the Bible says that the "seed-bearing" vegetation will product plants and trees, and that happened. So, this shows us that God's day isn't a "24-hour" day that we observe. Plants and vegetation take time to grow. So what is the length of a "God day"? I know it says that a day is like a thousand years. Where would we be now?

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